Hey!Im back!
After a while (nearly a month) of doing nothing very interesting I decided to write another entry to my blog!
Okay as you may or may not know my life is not very exciting unlike Miley Cyrus' etc etc my main point here is that not much has happened since I wrote my last blog.
Currently on the phone to my friend who just farted on her phone and says its smelly now *waits for the febreze ad to play*
Sixth year thus far has been a complete drag and has had a catastrophic effect on the amount of food I eat, the amount of free time I have for exercise and sleep (same thing) also I would say my social life if I actually had one mostly its just me in a bra on omegle with Kesha (must do that again soon!!!)
Okay so recently I got myself a new dog, his name is Woodie and he is brown and white Springer Spaniel who is a complete nutcase but deep a sweet loving dog but he is very affectionate when he wants to be or is not doing laps of the garden or leaving somethin nasty for me to pick up later (GLAMOROUS)
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3EMq1Muo-w )
I have developed a habit of saying the following words or phrases:
yeah just thought Y'all might have a giggle or somethin of it and seen as I'm studying tomorrow (probably won't work out) and its 1 a.m. and I'm not even near my bed I better sign off
Night All and remember
Greetings! To whoever has not given up on my blog yet! Big thanks to every one of you for the support, it means the world! :)
So yes!..yet again it took me almost 2 months to actually go onto the laptop and write a blog because I have just been so busy kicking the leaving cert in the nuts :l and beating down the crowd of people that keep mistaking me for Beyoncé because of my fierce tan! Em no.. not really I feel like I am being literally imprisoned inside my school,classes and at home because there is just a constant sense of School,study,exams,the leaving cert and to be honest I get out of there as quick as humanly possible and my brain goes into Sweet Brown Bronchitis mode...
and to be honest it reminds me that some part of my brain is still sane and thinks that it is absolute insanity that everyone should have to give up an entire year of their life just for one exam that can either make or break you ad the problem is there are three things you are expected to be able to handle
1) Study and good Grades
2) Enough Sleep
3) Social Life
and i Can tell you I can't even manage one of those let alone three! I barely sleep enough as it is and its not as if I'm going out getting Amanda Bines'd at the weekend like the last time I went out (that I can recall now at half 2 in the morning) is the end of summer or the weekend after?
My Weekends consist of Homework,study,a cycle or two, washing the cars, walking the dogs, tv, twitter and bed! Not exactly the most exciting life compared with other people in my year seen as most of them are probably at a house party or something right now but at least I have my music because honestly if I didn't listen to at least a song a day I would have the worst moods ever,would not do anything,have any friends,I would just eat A LOT instead like even more than I do now (like let me just give you an insight into how much I eat in a day, you see those presses full of food over there? no? yes..mother it is time to go shopping)
Also! Just random blog fact Lady Gaga played a small role in the sopranos!! I saw that on the Wikipedia about her which I have to mention is VERY in depth! Y'all should fo real look it up some time tho like seriously if you are as bored as I am on a daily basis and actually have the free time (unlike me right now ad for the foreseeable future) and guys for real seriously if you want workout music or are into trance,house,techno or just awesome remixes this is the site for you>>> www.livingelectro.com honestly I have like the best workout playlist ever now I love the music that I get off there and the best things its all for free and it sounds great with SRS Premium Sound if you have that on your laptop or FULLSOUND on any Philips Mp3 player/Phone or Beats I would imagine although I don't have a HP laptop or beats because I think they are just over-rated A LOT..LIKE A LOT but any who that's just my opinion
Also another rather sad stupid fact is that Russian Parents that have children cannot tell them about gay people..What is the world literally coming to I would just love to meet the guy who made up that law I would imagine that his head is so far up his ass he probably doesn't realise what kind of a monster he is..
Also I am in need of a haircut like badly #Hippy Here
Did you ever elect people on the student council and they give this big inspiring speech and how they are going to do so many wonderful things if they get elected and once they are elected they just go back to being normal students apart from the fact that some of them get out of class early because they wanted to?..like come on all I want is soap in the bathrooms seen as there has never been any there as long as I have been at my school which is disgusting and not that I use the toilet much in school but god when you want to wash your hands after? Think of where you are putting that bacteria on your hands, touching everything leaves traces of everything and I'm not saying I'm a neat freak but God I have limits to how much I can bare before I lost my marbles with these people..bet the teachers have soap in the bathrooms? of course..
Speaking of losing my marbles WHY are old people in red Nissan Micra's still allowed to drive?! I swear to christ..I was driving around town going to shops with my mother yesterday and there was an elderly person behind me and to be honest when I got home I never wanted to use road transport for the rest of my life, that woman scraped two walls while pulling out of Dunnes Stores Carpark, nearly killed 1948461326489 pedestrians and a Canine which was crossing the road, Okay I see you there GLADDICE! What did I tell y'all about drivin in the rain?! I GOT ONE NERVE LEFT AND YOU'RE DRY HUMPIN IT..#StressedOut
Also there was more people mistaking me for Lana Del Rey and waving and asking for autographs and photos and im sitting there like
Anyways guys Hope I made you giggle! (a.k.a blow more air out of your nose than usual!)
I stayed up till 03:09 writing this sitting on the bowl so #Respect a fellow hoe
Sleep Tight, Loose Bitches
Beyoncé Del Rey