Sunday, December 1, 2013

Get Ready for Christmas Bitchesss!

Well its that time of year again! The part where you snuggle up next to the fire, wear all those extra clothes and use the excuse of being cold just so we can practically sit on people (which is what I do already anyways) just for the fun of it.. Well here's to not getting kissed under the mistletoe for more years than worth mentioning (its never happened :l) but there is something different about Christmas this year and I just cannot put my finger on it..

I don't even want any presents or people to tie up this year/keep in my basement till they love me forever.... *rubs cat* (yeah I'm into fetish) (JOKE) I guess that is the official mark of a cat crazy interwebs addict...excuse me my granny just coughed on me -_-

Is it weird that I always seem to start listening to Ellie Goulding for crazy amounts of time when it comes to Christmas like every year? I fear somewhat that it may be something to do with issues in the past and the fact that I would have listened to her when there was problems in my life and I could somewhat relate them to some of her songs? but now all those problems no longer exist yet here I am still listening to the same songs every year with the addition of one or two every time? I like to call it Ellie-itis! Which is a good name or just plain cheesy? You decide on that one.

I have been surfing the interwebs and I have finally located a picture of what I am trying to describe and here it is:
Don't even ask me why one man would being so loving of a big onion..I don't get it but that's not going to effect him or that Cheshire cat grin on his face but honestly if I didn't have the leaving cert in my life right now I would probably be as happy as that! but I shall not turn this into a depressing, dragged out, boring blog about typical boring things like school or problems in my life what I aim to do with these blog is to take you away from your life for even 5 minutes a day maybe you'll even get a laugh from this, it might cheer you up or just have an Internet laugh which usually involves blowing more air out of your nose than usual which I would imagine is most people (if even)

Since its Christmas I thought that I might name out the things over the years that I wanted from Santa (Parents after 12 years old) and then what I got!
Okay I'll start on my fifth Christmas because I can't remember before that..
5th Christmas Wanted: Friends got: Dog
6th Christmas Wanted: Dog Lead Got: Puppy
7th Christmas Wanted: Bike Got: new tyres for the old one
8th Christmas Wanted: to go to jumping jacks got:went to jumping jacks
9th Christmas Wanted: go kart got:A go kart
10th Christmas Wanted: Bike Got: mountain bike
11th Christmas Wanted: ps2 Got: ps2
12th Christmas Wanted: A good Phone got: an LG flip phone <3
13th Christmas Wanted: A Smartphone Got: a dumb one
14th Christmas Wanted: Bike Got: A Bike
15th Christmas Wanted: Camera Got: A Camera
16th Christmas Wanted: ps3 got: ps3
17th Christmas Wanted: Crate of Budweiser Got: We'll just have to see ;)

Yeah so the best present that I have ever got that wasn't actually actually for Christmas was my dog Scamp who is still here today had her from a puppy and love her so much! 10+ years old now and she is a collie, sheepdog cross :)
Anyways Guys if I don't write another blog again soon...