Friday, August 30, 2013

The first day of school

Well for my blog today I was thinking about writing up a diary (sort of) every few days or so from the day I started sixth year but I have a feeling readers may not find it very interesting do I will try and do blogs about other things too when I can
So today started off with standing outside the office for about 15 minutes waiting for my friend to go get his journal and pay (like most people do) and so then a couple of my other friends start coming in and when he's finished we all head off then the bell rings and our new principal of the school is determinedly hoarding all the students into the hall for the big speech about 6th year and the first day back, so I'm sitting there beside Zoe Figgle and we are taking and joking about (I mean trying not to piss ourselves tbh)I swear she does it on purpose and then I just sort of moaned like trying not to laugh and it was the only sound in the ENTIRE hall I was mortified but luckily it was so high pitched everybody thought it was a girl (good or bad thing?) 

After that we went to our first class which was really our 2nd class as we had spent the majority of an hour in the hall so I get to the class and its LCVP with a teacher who has had his vocal cords removed and replaced with this constant mumble (kidding obviously he smokes like an oil rig fire) so I spent the majority of that class trying to lip read through his beard which went no-where so he just wrote it up on the board seen as nobody had any idea what he was saying 

Anyways a few classes later and I was in DCG so sir was talking all about grades and projects and the like and then he tells us to take out the folders and sets which are in a cabinet at the back right hand side of the classroom and seen as I was sitting right next to them I get up and start pulling folders out and a folders later and a few guys behind me thought it would be funny to knock my head into a press which they proceeded to do I kept quiet as I almost always do seen as not many people that I would be friends with are in that class, anyways I just picks myself up dust myself off and continue to root through the folders and then another one of the guys decides it would be funny to grind up against me and I turn round and there is this little fucking dwarf standing behind me trying to make it look like he has done nothing wrong

This brings me to what I want to talk about in this blog besides my boring school life


First and foremost I do not ever, Ever, EVER stand for bullying and I never will, having had a harder time with bullies in primary school I would not wish it on anybody else ever
I have witnessed bullying to the point of suicide and it is something to be taken very seriously..We are in a crisis in that most people do not realise or throw a blind eye to what is happening, they don't see just how serious that it can become, there have been numerous accounts of suicide due to bullying and people who have been killed for what they believe in, I do consider this as bullying also no matter how small a thing you say to somebody you don't know how much your stupid comment can multiply and be so much more serious to the have to realise that what you said could have just pushed somebody over the edge..Could you live with that? On your conscience? For the rest of your life? So next time think before you say something to someone just because you think it might be funny or to show how cool you are in front of your friends..if one of my friends or anybody I know was bullying anybody important to me I would BEAT THEY ASS
The fact is that there is other people out there that are and have been bullied and are surviving it and moving on, some hold grudges but that depends on you, the fact is that if something is happening to you there is somebody somewhere that cares and I promise you that after it all you will be a stronger person and it does get better (And I am in no way telling you to get bullied so you can get better) 

You are not alone. 
There is always somebody you can talk to.
Never be afraid to tell somebody
Bullies are weak shitty people that deserve your time or attention, there are more important things in life to focus on.
The best advice that I have ever received
"Don't give a single fuck about anything other than those people and things worth giving a fuck about" - My Sister

Anyways guys just thought I'd do a quick update seen as I can't sleep and its 12:36 a.m. I better try to knock myself out so I'm not dead tomorrow 

Remember there is one of you on this Planet, you're here for a reason, it's up to you to find out what it is

Take Care and Much Love Readers

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Final Countdown

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!..Kill Me now please.... Yes you guessed's that time of year again when the summer ends, the kids go back to school and the studying begins once again but trying to forget that I only have 41 hours left of freedom till the 7a.m mornings start

But on a lighter note (with much thanks to Zoe Figgle!) I have almost 100 page views!!! Which is almost 100 more than expected which is AMAZING!!! I am so delighted that somebody is reading the crap I post up when I have some free time which is generally at one or two in the morning (Yes I am officially a night owl I guess?!) so first of all I would like to thank Zoe Figgle (her blog is right here: )  for helping me out as my blog is starting up and helping me get some readers!! I'll do my best to try not make you regret starting to read these! but in this blog I thought I would focus it around something completely different than what I was talking about at the start (because I am just that interesting you're probably glued to this right now.. :/ ) so the topic today is Homophobia and Homophobic assh..I mean people.

So to start of this 'discussion' (more of a rant) I'm going to explain what exactly homophobia is via the dictionary meaning and my view (Hide yo kids. hide yo wife. hide yo husband cause explicit shit right hurrrr)

Web definitions:

prejudiced against homosexual people

My definition:

Ignorant ass fucking people (usually Christians or fucking conservative people) who think they can control other people lives and take away their right to love, to marry and to be equal just because they think its wrong by the bible because they pick and choose which bits of the bible that they want to talk about and which are relevant

Sighing so hard writing about these FUCKTARDS ( Made that purple because that is the colour to wear to show support for the gays! )

So in honour of pissing off the conservatives I am writing the rest of this blog in purple (because I cant figure out how to do rainbow writing yet)

So basically, these people think that Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender people are not real people, that they do not deserve basic human rights such as public displays of affection between these people, to marry one another and live a happy life like the majority of straight people.
I don't think this is right primarily because a human is a human no matter what height, hair colour, eye colour, gender, sexual orientation it does not matter we all deserve these rights and a law will not change us it is up to us to change our opinion on this but whether we do it is another thing but hearing all of these people trying to 'beat the homosexual demon' out of their children in these communities where religion is very prominent and the killing of gay teenagers in countries such as Africa.. even a boy was shot when he was 12 by a fellow classmate in the US, What kind of things must have been in his head that he felt that this homosexual child was such a bad person that he deserved to die that just says to me that his parents just do deserve a parent of the year award like seriously great job guys your 13 year old son is going to be in prison for the next 30 years..this was so serious that Ellen DeGeneres actually talked about it on her show and was even getting emotional about it, I think the homophobic proportion of the human population is a fucking disgrace not only because of the way that these people are being treated, categorised and having their rights's the fact that out of everything on this planet homosexuality is witnessed in every species of animal but homophobia is only on this planet because of us, we are the only homophobic species on this planet..

....Well I would like the entire human race to stop for one minute and stand up and give yourselves some fucking applause..because that is something to really be proud really don't even sit down again just stand there clapping like a retarded fucking seal for the next few minutes...when you're done do me a favour  and just keep clapping because honestly homophobic people are about as fucking smart as you fucking stupid bastards standing there clapping right now..


I can't even begin to comprehend the stupidity of the human mind..we have faith in religion and faith by definition is the belief in something without evidence and frankly I don't believe in that because I'm not an idiot..

Also the fact that people are so gullible into being talked into things staggers a preacher can spend a half an hour with a christian man and convince him to disown his gay son and to send him to one of those idiotic camps where they 'attempt' to turn gay men straight...................................(more sighing)
I can't.
Can they comprehend that humans are born with their sexual orientation in their genes and that cannot be modified with prayer or a retarded camp where they basically torture people..they leave there with nothing more than an empty mind, no self esteem and a hatred for who they are, the fact that people have had to stay in intensive care for up to a month because they were so badly nourished that they were on the verge of death explains itself but what I cannot understand is that every time this happens the question the parents and they state that they 'did not know that's what the camps did' like seriously I am wondering of a word that I can describe them with like a mixture of fucktard with homophobe and selfish..oh yes it's starts with CONSERVATIVE..can't say the last word because I'll probably get arrested 

The fact at the end of the day is that it is not up to a law to change people its up to people to change a law, because a law cannot change us..we have to do this ourselves..

Anyways guys that's it for this Blog if you enjoyed it and agree with me why 
not hit that follow and if you don't follow me anyways

I leave you with one picture which describes what I'm trying to say here
The fact about this picture is that you do not know whether the photo is a girl and a boy,a boy and a boy or a girl and a girl and to be honest it shouldn't matter

Oh by the way, haters don't comment I don't need to hear it

p.s Good luck to everybody starting back to school and best of luck with your year and whatever you choose to do with it whether that is going back to school, college or your job try to see the lighter side of everything stay positive and most of all be careful it's a big bad world out there and it's even worse if you're on somebodies bad side so stay good people!!
Much Love
Bubble Butt

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 5!

He's guys me again! I don't know how long it's been since I did a blog last I'm sure that it has been at least a week since I did my last blog and nothing much has changed since then but I have gotten my hands on an iPad mini thanks to my mother (it was an early birthday gift) and I am super excited for iOS 7 to be released soon!!! 
By the way if you guys didn't know I am reasonably techie! So in this blog I have decided to talk about my few favourite features of iOS 7, from having used this operating system for the last 4 or so updates it hasn't really changed dramatically but this may be a good thing as it is one of the most stable operating systems I have ever used and its stability is what makes this OS a benchmark for most rivals in fact I would rather have a computer running iOS than a version of windows (based on my windows experience) but my just to mention a couple of my favourite features since iOS 5 is not really a well known feature but nevertheless it is a useful feature,THE DICTIONARY! And I guarantee that at least 50% of all iOS users have no idea about this hidden feature and how I discovered this was that every time that Apple releases a new iOS it says just underneath it in small-ish writing 'over 200 new features ' and one of my favourite thing to do is go through the entire interface and find all these new changes and improvements which generally takes me around a day or so to find them all
Another feature is the emoji keyboard and seamless integration into everyday apps like twitter or Facebook 
Also my last favourite feature is Siri! Who has learned my voice over time and now all the commands are seamless as she finally understands what I'm saying (after much practise) and now dictation is on point and the list of commands is reasonably long although a command missing here and thee but do not let that throw you off
Anyways I am sorry guys that this blog is so short and probably boring (for those who aren't interested in technology) but I just figured I should write another blog seen as I am going to be starting school again soon and this is an important year and I am not looking forward to all the hard work, lack of social life and pressure that this year brings 
Anyways hopefully will post again when I can, good luck in your lives and remember 'Hakuna Matata!'

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day Number 4!

Hey Guys! It's day number four of my blog! To whoever is reading this again I want to thank you because your support makes all the difference! and yes I know that my only follower (as of 12/08/2013 @ 01:02 a.m.) is Zoe Figgle! I still appreciate those that do read it and do not follow me because it is your own choice who you follow and what blogs you read but I do ask that if you do like mine that you do follow my blog because it does help me out alot and im asking this to all the readers as a favour to help my blog get started up and going so hit that follow button if you like my blogs and I promise I'll do my best to write some good blogs on here! (I also take suggestions on what to talk about in these blogs if you want to suggest something then you can leave it in the comments section and I do read them so don't be shy :) 

So for the weekend I was (am) staying in my friends house and last night we had a rave, a few dmc's and went on Omegle (which was completely new to me) and I had so much fun then the next day we went to the Tullamore show, it was very windy but overall a good day I didn't get anything except for a hot dog although I would have liked to get at least one thing but I thought why ruin the tradition of not buying anything which applies to most places that I go because I do try to spend my money wisely which is probably why I don't have a lot of souvenirs although the second year that I went to the gaeltacht I did get this ball
and it was probably one of the only things that I ever bought as a souvenir although I did buy a necklace with a similar smaller ball but that didn't last as long as the ball probably because everyone just HAD TO WEAR IT but oh well :)
Also speaking of Gaeltacht and the Tullamore show I got to meet one of my best friends from the Gaeltacht today and despite her living only about 10 miles away I have not seen her in forever (which makes me kind of a sad that I am such a bad friend for keeping in contact with other people) and I just gave her a BIG hug and we just chatted but it was so good to see her again which made me think about all of the people that I have not seen in so long but I do promise them all that I will at least try to get in contact with them before the summer is out because I do miss all my friends even my closer ones that I have not seen for a couple of weeks now I do miss the ones that are an essential part of my life and not the ones that walked away when things got tangled up like headphones in a pocket.

Anyways for now I shall leave you with the favour I asked earlier, leave me some topics to talk about or inspiration for blog

Until then
Goodbye Chaps and Chicklets :)
p.s here's a picture of a cute kitten for the softies reading this

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 3!

Hey Whoever is reading this! First and foremost I just want to thank everybody that read this blog I really do appreciate everybody who is viewing my blog and giving me the push to keep going! Or else there are ALOT of perverts looking at this..more than likely the second option..BUT I LIVE IN HOPE!

Anyways today there was ALOT of people at my house..and tbh I didn't really know what to do as I walked up the hallway sleepy eyed in my boxers and about 10 people staring back at me..Then I remembered that I don't really give a fuck..look at my junk see if I care (thats kinda bad seen as they were all like my grannys friends who are like 80 and love knitting and bingo #Awks) but yeah so I just got a bowl of CEREAL (THE BEST FOOD EVER) and walked outside to sit down and eat (aeh) then I kept saying *william impersonation* "i got dah powah" to my mam all day after I downloaded now 85 illega..(I mean't I paid fo dat shit :/ em yeah :> ) and now I am roundabout confessing my addiction to music like I think I would go mad if I didn't have something to listen to music on like my head is 101% song lyrics and my heads iTunes library is forever expanding like my friends Rachel called me Human Shazam before! (You probably don't even care but I shall tell you anyways..)

I am deeply obsessed with KESHA like seriously she's just so good..I honestly do not know how my friends do not kill me because I never shut up about her like seriously Kesha if you're reading this I STALK YOUR ASS ON TWITTER EVERY DAY OKURR? That was kinda creeps but anyways I am going to the tullamore show on Sunday with mah fellow betch Clo Clo, The Tullamore show is a show that is put on every year (almost) and is centered around agriculture in Ireland and all the farmers gather every year to let the cows shit somewhere that you eventually inevitably will walk in and get a "pooy shoe" but seriously its a good day in my social calender because I actuallY get off the laptop for 5 minutes and go OUTSIDE (SHIT GETTIN REAL RIGHT HURR!) but I am really looking forward to it because I think I might be staying in my best friends house the night before (if I can convince my dad to let me go) I am looking forward to that more than I am the show seriously this is like a MASSIVE milestone and her mother was saying "no schneakin around in bedrooms" and I was like LAWD if you only knew..
But anyways its like 1:30a.m. right now so I am going to head to sleep now because I have to be up early tomorrow morning >.<
So night whoever is reading this and again
Thank you :)
P.s I got this laptop stand and now my laptop doesn't melt because the heat can get out now, whoever invented these things is #FuckingGenius Also thought this picture was kinda funny because this is how I sleep in bed :3

Also Amanda Bynes set her driveway on fire?!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 2!

Wow! Hi whoever is reading this?! somebody has seen this and I have no clue how but I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE IN FOR HONEY!?
YES! thank you to everyone who did read this blog and give me 14 whole views!! I'm guessing you guys were searching for something else (Crappy attempt at doing a blog?? and clicked this by accident? More than likely yes.
But whereas my first blog was written when I was very much tired and emotional at 2 a.m. last night this blog is begging to be less weird but it probably wont end out that way as I am writing this post in order to give out about Hoes and Facebook (Explicit Content on its way please turn away if you are between 5 and 45)
I really don't have faith for the people who post status' looking for attention or posting pictures to see how many likes they can get like (in the words of Nicki Minaj) "YOU A STUPID HOE" and you're making show of yourself and just begging to get a wide ass vagina you slut, have some damn respect for yourself and everybody else and for the love of God stop writing up honest opinion status' because AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT SHIT! Plus it is a sign you have no friends and are about to make some enemies when you send people a message telling them your honest opinion (which for me is not always positive) and then you get mad because they react by hating you more because you told them how much of a hoe you think they are through Facebook..I mean..Is you all there like mentally? CUCKOO? ANYBODY HOME?! 
I'm not going to harp on about Facebook any more even the thought is melting my brain right now..
For the maybe 1 reader left I do not know what to really talk about right now im listening to music for inspiration but Twerk Music isn't exactly putting the cleanest of ideas in my head right now
Besides the point I am going to try and do a new post every second day when I can if I have time although going into Leaving cert is not going to leave me with much time so please do forgive me if I do skip a few days here and there but in the meanwhile one of my best friend's Blog may be interesting for your to read her Blog is here she is extremely down to earth and her blogs are fun, entertaining and addicitive, she is also an excellent writer so check her out bascially because she's awesome!
So for now internet I bid you farewell (Poshy shit right there)
Bye Guys! :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Start

Hey I dont really know who to address this to as I have no followers or readers at the moment but since I am doing this not for your entertainment (because I'm not the most entertaining person in the world) and just for me to attempt to improve my English and because of another blogger I know that gave me some spark of motivation to do this (p.s hope you're not mad I borrowed your idea of writing blogs Zoe :* )

I guess I should start by telling you (stalkers out there) a couple of small things about myself well my name is Thomas, Im almost 17 (8th november), I'm starting 6th year in a couple of weeks, I live in a housing estate on the edge of a small village smack bang in the middle of a bog (once upon a time) ,I like to cycle, occasionally run, have a VERY fond interest in cars, dog and pussy (the cat kind) (<<that sounded bad didn't it?..)

I have a group of very wonderful and trustworthy friends who I like to call family (not saying their names because they're probably very embarrassed to be friends with me as I can be very LOUD (sometimes) well the majority of the time I am loud but most people find me funny so I guess that kind of balance's the equation but I won't lie I do have a few people known not to like me primarily because they think that I'm too loud but to be honest I don't really care about them because my motto is 'Respect Me And I Will Respect You' Because regardless of rumour or stories that I hear unless I hear them from your mouth they will drift over my head.

I am generally an easygoing person I dont like drama and I love Kesha, like i've got a sick obsession i'm seein' her in my dreams yano?

My mind tends to drift a lot though for example I started this blog with the intention of improving my English and now I am singing Kesha at 2 a.m on a Saturday night because I absolutely LUUURVE Kesha because SHE'S SO GOOD! (My best friend will know what i'm talking about!)
Although the majority of my friends are Female I am not really called that many names anymore because the people who used to shout names and crap that never bother anymore because I guess they realised that small voices won't be heard and that I really did not, do not or ever will not give a shit what they say because when I was in Primary school everyday I used to walk around the school yard often by myself because I didn't really fit in with the typical two stereotypes that were either mad in sport or mad into gaming and although I did use to play my cousins Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on his playstation.

I was never absoloutly  insane into games and unfortunately there were few and far between who had the same or similiar interests as I did although there were these two guys called Jake and Keith who I was good friends with and without them I do not think that I would have made any friends in Primary School although Secondary school did tend to work out better for me although again started the name calling and verbal abuse which I simply brushed off of my shoulders most of time, I mean it did get to me sometimes but generally I was easygoing so it did not affect me for more than a day or two

At the end of my first I remember there was this girl that I talked to occasionally, little did I know that she was going to be the best friend that I could have asked for along with two other people I talked to occasionally but honestly now wished I had made better friends with from the start because after my recent relationship ended they were my rocks and I honestly do not know how I could begin to thank all of my close friends that stayed even when my attention was elsewhere and now to this day are worth more to me than any of the other people I wasted time on before will every be and if I could turn back time and undo a lot of things I would and I just want to say that I love you all and all of you will have a place in my heart forever <3 and there goes writing a blog that makes any sense to anybody who doesn't know me personally 
God this just turned into an emotion shitshow anyways..Whiskey anybody??
Anyways since its 1:59 a.m. I guess I should go to sleep because I have to be up SOOO early tomorrow (like 11 is early for me) to go into town and meet one of my best friends
So until next time internet
Goodnight And Take Care