So today started off with standing outside the office for about 15 minutes waiting for my friend to go get his journal and pay (like most people do) and so then a couple of my other friends start coming in and when he's finished we all head off then the bell rings and our new principal of the school is determinedly hoarding all the students into the hall for the big speech about 6th year and the first day back, so I'm sitting there beside Zoe Figgle and we are taking and joking about (I mean trying not to piss ourselves tbh)I swear she does it on purpose and then I just sort of moaned like trying not to laugh and it was the only sound in the ENTIRE hall I was mortified but luckily it was so high pitched everybody thought it was a girl (good or bad thing?)
After that we went to our first class which was really our 2nd class as we had spent the majority of an hour in the hall so I get to the class and its LCVP with a teacher who has had his vocal cords removed and replaced with this constant mumble (kidding obviously he smokes like an oil rig fire) so I spent the majority of that class trying to lip read through his beard which went no-where so he just wrote it up on the board seen as nobody had any idea what he was saying
Anyways a few classes later and I was in DCG so sir was talking all about grades and projects and the like and then he tells us to take out the folders and sets which are in a cabinet at the back right hand side of the classroom and seen as I was sitting right next to them I get up and start pulling folders out and a folders later and a few guys behind me thought it would be funny to knock my head into a press which they proceeded to do I kept quiet as I almost always do seen as not many people that I would be friends with are in that class, anyways I just picks myself up dust myself off and continue to root through the folders and then another one of the guys decides it would be funny to grind up against me and I turn round and there is this little fucking dwarf standing behind me trying to make it look like he has done nothing wrong
This brings me to what I want to talk about in this blog besides my boring school life
First and foremost I do not ever, Ever, EVER stand for bullying and I never will, having had a harder time with bullies in primary school I would not wish it on anybody else ever
I have witnessed bullying to the point of suicide and it is something to be taken very seriously..We are in a crisis in that most people do not realise or throw a blind eye to what is happening, they don't see just how serious that it can become, there have been numerous accounts of suicide due to bullying and people who have been killed for what they believe in, I do consider this as bullying also no matter how small a thing you say to somebody you don't know how much your stupid comment can multiply and be so much more serious to the have to realise that what you said could have just pushed somebody over the edge..Could you live with that? On your conscience? For the rest of your life? So next time think before you say something to someone just because you think it might be funny or to show how cool you are in front of your friends..if one of my friends or anybody I know was bullying anybody important to me I would BEAT THEY ASS
The fact is that there is other people out there that are and have been bullied and are surviving it and moving on, some hold grudges but that depends on you, the fact is that if something is happening to you there is somebody somewhere that cares and I promise you that after it all you will be a stronger person and it does get better (And I am in no way telling you to get bullied so you can get better)
You are not alone.
There is always somebody you can talk to.
Never be afraid to tell somebody
Bullies are weak shitty people that deserve your time or attention, there are more important things in life to focus on.
The best advice that I have ever received
"Don't give a single fuck about anything other than those people and things worth giving a fuck about" - My Sister
Anyways guys just thought I'd do a quick update seen as I can't sleep and its 12:36 a.m. I better try to knock myself out so I'm not dead tomorrow
Remember there is one of you on this Planet, you're here for a reason, it's up to you to find out what it is
Take Care and Much Love Readers
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